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Contribute Code

In order to be able to contribute code to MedUX there is multiple steps to be taken in advance:

  • Setup & configure the project locally
  • Get familiar with concepts in MedUX
  • Make your first contribution! 🎉

Setup and configuration

Before we dive deeper into how MedUX works, we want to give you a quickstart on how you can setup the project on your device.

MedUX is written in Python and uses one of - if not the - most popular web frameworks in the language Django.


In the following sections we assume you already have Python installed, if that is not the case, please have a look at some of the possible solutions to install it.

This guide also requires you to have setup git locally and some basics when it comes to using git. If you haven't installed git or want to have a little introduction, you can head over to Gitlabs' docs on git.

First you'll clone the repository to your local machine.
For this you can either visit the Gitlab repository and clone from there or enter the following command in a shell in the desired location:

git clone

Now you can move into the cloned project with cd medux. (except you have told git to store it elsewhere)
From within the directory you can create a new virtual environment. (What is a virtual environment?)
You can do so by running:

python -m venv .venv

At this point Python knows about you wanting to have a separate space for the project (called .venv in our case) - but that's not enough - we need to activate the environment to work within it. We do that by running . .venv/bin/activate in the shell.

TODO dependencies:
- [ ] Check that all dependencies are correctly listed in pyproject toml
- [ ] Document the setup & installation of medux-common module and that this is only a temporary constraint